Energy Landscapes: Planning
Over 16-18 September 2015 in Dresden, Germany, the Landscape Research…
María-José Prados is doctor in geography and full time professor at the University of Seville.
She is a human geographer devoted to rural changes and their driving forces with a master background in urban planning and a postgraduate in rural survey and land ecology. This relationship between rural changes monitoring and spatial planning are the two axis of her research interest.
Currently she works on territorial consequences of major land use changes and mega-trends on rural areas in a post-crisis scenario. Relating both changes and trends, a central part of her present research is focused on the spread of massive renewable power platforms over agricultural land uses and cultural landscapes out of spatial planning process. She leads the National Research Project Naturbounds (Land on the edges: Environmental Costs and Regional Benefits of Naturbanization Processes in three national parks of Spain and Portugal).
She belongs to the Spanish management committee of the COST Action Renewable Energy and Landscape. She is cofounder member of the Spanish Network on Renewable Energy and Landscape and of the European Research Laboratory on Social Sciences at the University of Seville.