Towards landscape democracy and plural land management

LRG’s annual International Landscape Symposium 2018 was held in London on 4 December, and explored one of the key themes in our Research Strategy: landscape justice, with a focus on language and landscape governance.

The debate explored the relationships in language between the local and the global, from the four very different perspectives of our speakers: literature and landscape word-hoards, landscape architecture, public participation in landscape governance, and shaping regional and global perceptions, for example through the European Landscape Convention and UNESCO.

The event also commemorated David Lowenthal (1923-2018), co-founder of LRG and the organisation’s former Chair. His book, Quest for the Unity of Knowledge, was also launched at the event, in partnership with Pages of Hackney and Routledge.

Towards landscape democracy and plural land management

Michael Jones is Professor Emeritus at the Norwegian University for Science & Technology, and is the former head of the Landscape, Law and Justice program at the Oslo Centre for Advanced Studies. His work has included the impact of language on the implementation of the European Landscape Convention, and public participation in landscape governance.



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