Landscape and Human Destiny
LRG’s second annual lecture was held in partnership with, and…
Emma is Landscape Research journal editor-in-chief and a trustee of the Landscape Research Group.
She is Director of Academic Programs (Geography, Tourism and Planning) at Western Sydney University, and Professor in the Geographies of Heritage. She was a Research Councils UK (RCUK) Academic Fellow at Keele University from 2006–2010 and a DECRA Fellow at WSU from 2012–2014.
She has an established reputation in Australia and internationally as a leading heritage studies scholar, with a reputation that arises from three sustained contributions to the field: (1) conceptually-focused interventions that explore: (a) the idea of ‘heritage as discourse’ and (b) a re-theorisation of heritage in terms of emotion and affect; (2) engaging with innovative and experimental research methods; and (3) exploring the intersections between heritage and practices of social governance. These efforts are backed by extensive phases of fieldwork in the UK, Australia, Spain, the US, Nepal and Mongolia.